Thursday, August 25, 2011

Emotional Profit

There's a concept. Too often we neglect the emotional profit that can be and NEEDS to be gotten from practice. And there is more good news that I'll get to later.

All of us, you and me, and our colleagues became dentists not so much for the income (although that is darn important, especially now) but because of the desire to help others, to make a difference. Had we wanted to be in a business rather than a profession, we could have gone off and done that.

But no, we went through the struggle and difficulties of becoming dentists. It wasn't easy. Now that we are dentists, it still isn't, although in a different way that when we were in the process of becoming dentists. Private practice brings its own challenges. This is about looking at those challenges in a different way.

We have all had patients who were so good to work with, appreciative and helpful to us as we delivered care.

These patients are a treasure. They "make our day." It is these patients that make us glad we became dentists. They are so notable because there are too few of them, wouldn't you agree? Would you like to have more of them? If you said yes, keep reading.

There are all sorts of profit. Of course, there is the financial one. We all want that. And I say we all want emotional profit, too. It is one of the prime reasons we became dentists.

What is emotional profit? It is the not quite quantifiable sense of having made a contribution that matters. It feels better when that contribution is recognized. In fact, it feels so good that many of us give away our services just to get that feeling of making a difference, of being appreciated.

One would think that our patients/clients would naturally recognize their role as the recipient of out expertise, care, skill, judgment and goodwill to give out the warm "fuzzies"  that are the emotional lifeblood of being a professional.

Alas, they do not. A small percentage get it, whether by luck, prior parenting or some good fortune. The vast majority do not.

This leaves you in a conundrum. You know that you do your best care for those who show their appreciation for what you do. This is human nature. You also know that there is nothing quite like a patient that makes you feel good about your services. Right?

 What can you do rather than hope for the emotional and financial profit?


What if there is another way?

Hint: there is.

Just as you take certain actions to ensure that you get paid and make a profit financially, there is a like system for ensuring you get paid emotionally for the care you give.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that emotional pay system in place?

Let me make this statement too. This also means that you are getting your financial rewards, too. In fact, they go together. (Of course, we all provide pro bono work from time to time. It is part of the duty we have. To whom much is given, much is expected.)

How do you ensure that you get your psychic pay, the emotional pay that that we all desire? The first thing to know is that this does not mean charging less or giving dentistry away. It means getting the financial and emotional rewards of practice.

So how?

Stop waiting for it to happen and make it happen. (Hey, this applies to lots of things, huh!)

Waiting for something good to happen just isn't viable long term.

While it is nice to win the lottery, waiting and hoping for that to happen is NOT a way to a successful life.

So how does one ensure that one gets the emotional pay that is due?

1.Give It First

A wood stove requires wood and a fire to give out heat. Yet most folks are waiting by the stove expecting it to put out heat without the requisite contributions of wood and a match to get it going.

Appreciation and admiration are similar. You give out to get back.

There is not so surprising news here. Giving out that emotional pay the other wayfirstdoes warm and nurture those that receive it when done genuinely. Most people are so lacking in appreciation and admiration that they have forgotten how to give it out. The good news is that you can start that appreciation and admiration fire for them and eventually they'll start giving it back. Some take longer than others so don't expect a direct expression back right away. Some are so chilled from a prior lack of appreciation and admiration heat that they have a difficult time giving it out for quite awhile. But the vast majority catch the fire and get it going pretty quickly.

Thanksgiving is certainly a national version of "Let's Appreciate." But on a daily basis, the average homo sapiens somehow misses the value of originating the words that people so need. Now some need them more than others. Most dentists are introverts so they need less. (But it sure feels good when one gets it, huh!) Most team members are extroverts and need more.( suggestion: feed them the words they so need and just watch how they respond!)

You need not wait any longer, hoping for someone else to recognize, appreciate and admire you. You can become an Appreciation Philanthropist immediately. It costs you nothing. Moreover, your giving has its own princely reward. The giving of appreciation, admiration and recognition generates its own fire within you. It just feels good to help others feel good about themselves. You can make your own warm glow!

The miracle of appreciation, admiration, recognition and love is that it expands – the more you give, the more you get.

 Thank you for all that you do to help and make a difference.



Copyright 2010 Charles W Martin

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